Critical Reflection

 Initially, I didn't give too much thought to the Critical Thinking and Communication module since I thought it would just be another language lesson just like what we did in the polytechnics. My interest was piqued further when we were asked to introduce ourselves in a letter and what we hoped to accomplish during the module. It is interesting to write a formal letter of introduction to formally introduce yourself to your professor and your classmates. In the formal introduction letter, we must include our strengths, weaknesses, and goal to achieve by the end of this module. In regards to the weaknesses, it makes me think about the confidence I lack off when presenting in large groups and, having an interacting conversation with people I have never met before. These are the most significant weaknesses I want to improve on. Therefore, to overcome my fears, I set them as my goal so I can increase my confidence and overcome my fears.

As part of the module, I was given several opportunities to present in front of my classmates. Even though for some cases, these presentations can just be a draft, I was challenged to be ready at any time throughout the lesson. For the mock-up presentations, my peers and the professor gave me constructive feedback, and it allowed me to see the level of confidence I had as I was presenting my ideas to them. I appreciated their careful listening and encouragement to pace whenever I tensed up or rushed through my presentations. They provided me with feedback that made it easier for me to see my weaknesses and strengths and helped to improve my presentation. After receiving feedback in the mock presentation, I was able to take what I had learned and apply it to my final presentation, and I was able to compare how I'm doing now with how I was before I started this module.

I used to struggle the moment I stood in front of a large audience before completing this module, but now I can begin my presentation confidently for an extensive period. Despite the fact that I still get nervous when I present, my confidence has improved. It was a great opportunity to have the chance to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. In this module, I became more confident in standing up in front of an audience and expressing myself towards people I do not know well. As I present more and make alterations to feedbacks, I will continue to grow and improve my presentation skills.

My learning experiences in this module included learning some new skills such as how to write reports, which I had never encountered before. When I was given the task of forming groups to write reports, I was unsure of where and how to begin. My professor and group members guided me slowly into the process of composing a report as I lacked knowledge of how to get started. They explained what information needed to be included and what could be omitted to ensure I understood what was being asked. During the writing of reports, I used a number of available resources to gather information. Before I took critical thinking and discussion, I had no understanding of how to differentiate credible sources, how to add correct citations and references, and how to write a thesis statement etc. Looking at multiple examples, I developed a better understanding of the types of reports available and how they are drafted. Additionally, I got the chance to work with classmates I have yet to speak with. My participation in group discussions has helped me initiate conversations with others, pushing me out of my comfort and improving my ability to convey my message clearly.

It has been a tremendous learning experience for me to learn how to write a report, how to research credible information, and how to use it to support the different types of citations required in other parts of the document. With the completion of this module and the accomplishment of my goals from the beginning of the class, I believe I gained valuable skills that will be of great help to me in the future.


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