
Showing posts from December, 2021

Reader Response #Draft 4

  In the article, “Electric vehicles will take over Singapore”, Kuttan (2020) stated that by 2040, Singapore targets to phase out internal combustion vehicles and move towards the wider adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The article mentioned that factors like lack of national charging infrastructure, high cost of EVs, the driving range and charging time are of concern. Despite that, the Singapore government has set a goal of creating 28,000 charging points, with the participation of private-sector authorities. The author also stated ways to expedite the adoption of EVs through measures like creating a separate Certification of Entitlement (COE) and having sufficient technical personnel with relevant skills to upkeep the ecosystem. Additionally, offering incentives in early conversion schemes can aid in the speed of rolling out EVs. Kuttan concluded Singapore was on the right track but the road to success would need more than just the government’s efforts to come through. In order fo

Critical Reflection

 Initially, I didn't give too much thought to the Critical Thinking and Communication module since I thought it would just be another language lesson just like what we did in the polytechnics. My interest was piqued further when we were asked to introduce ourselves in a letter and what we hoped to accomplish during the module. It is interesting to write a formal letter of introduction to formally introduce yourself to your professor and your classmates. In the formal introduction letter, we must include our strengths, weaknesses, and goal to achieve by the end of this module. In regards to the weaknesses, it makes me think about the confidence I lack off when presenting in large groups and, having an interacting conversation with people I have never met before. These are the most significant weaknesses I want to improve on. Therefore, to overcome my fears, I set them as my goal so I can increase my confidence and overcome my fears. As part of the module, I was given several opportu